Hello everyone, thanks for coming by today! I am guest posting over at Sew We Quilt (formally Stash Manicure) again!!

So go over there to see how I make 4 square blocks, 9 patch blocks, and HST (half square triangle) blocks using the strip method. Then come back here for a small pattern to make with them.
This pattern makes 9 1/4" blocks. So the over all quilt is just 36". Add a border or two and you have a nice little lap quilt. Leave it as is and it makes a nice table topper. Use some baby fabrics, add a border and you have a cute little baby quilt.
Or, you can make your blocks bigger, by making the strips bigger, keeping the smaller width ones in proportion to the larger width ones. Or make lots of blocks and arrange them in a nice order.
But for one just like mine, you will need:
Fabric A | Two 2” strips three 3 1/2” strips | |
Fabric B | Six 2” strips two 1 1/2” strips two 4 1/8” strips | |
Fabric C | Four 2” strips two 1 1/2” strips two 4 1/8” strips | |
Fabric D | Four 2” strips one 1 1/2” strip one 3 1/2” strip |
4 squares
Using 2" strips
Using your 1 1/2" strips
HST block
Using your 4 1/8" strips
Once you have made all your blocks, lay them out like I have below. Making sure you watch the placement of the colors.
Block 1
Sew the blocks in each row together.
Then sew your rows together. Press and trim to 9 1/4".
Repeat for Block 2
Sew the blocks in each row together.
And sew your rows together. Press and trim to 9 1/4".
Lay your blocks out in two rows. You will make 4 rows all together, but rows 1 and 3 are exactly the same. And rows 2 and 4 are exactly the same.
So put 2 blocks down for each row.
Sew a row that's on top (in the picture, row 1) to a bottom row (2). Sew the next two together. Then you'll have two sets that look like this.
Turn the bottom set around, so you make a big X with your two sets.
Sew your two sets together. And add some borders if you wish.
I'm hooking up with H&M at Quiltstory today too. Thank you Girls :)
PS, don't forget, it isn't too late to drop me a comment and leave me your name, if you're a wantobe quilter! LOTS of prizes you could win over at the Stash, come August.
Copyright D. Lucas, 2011 This is my tutorial. You are welcome to use any of my tutorials for personal use. You are not permitted to use my pictures or my words without linking back to the original and giving me credit for them.

Hello Dorian - this pattern will certainly give one some good practice with the hst's 4 and 9 patch. I'm just busy with a pattern set on point, and had a great time working out the setting triangles and setting corners - my husband trained as a cabinetmaker and knows all the math, and I pick his brains for that ! Am following your blog now - got here via Madame Sam
very informative post - thanks! lovely colours too
I am a new follower. Thanks for the post on SewWeQuilt. I really like your lap quilt tutorial that I see here.
Great post at Sew We Quilt. I love seeing all the wonderful ideas for 4 and 9 patch blocks and HSTs. After many years of stitching they are still favourites to come back to. Thank you.
I will have to make this! Thank you for the tutorial! Looks difficult, but it's not.
Hi Dorian. :o)
Thank you for sharing your tutorials with us. I am looking so forward to trying the half square block that you showed to us over at Sew WE Quilt. :o)
Have a super week.
Sincerely, Trish
Dorian - I saw your post over at Sew We Quilt! So pretty - - and your pattern would make a wonderful baby quilt!! Thank you for the tutorial. I'm bookmarking it, and I'm bookmarking your post on your blog for putting it together! I'm following you and I'm definitely coming back!!
Hugs ~~ Suz
You make everything look so "doable". Thank you!
Hello Dorian - I loved your post both here and at Stash Manicure - thank you for sharing your tips! Mary Ann @ RocknQuilts.blogspot.com
Love this pattern!!!Thanks for posting at Stash!!!
Great pattern, thank you somuch.
Thanks for the tutorial over at Sew We Quilt and the quilt pattern!
Hi Dorian, I'm a new follower. Found you through Madam Samm. Great post over there and a great tutorial on your blog. I need to do this pattern. Have always liked it but have never gotten around to doing it. Now is a good time!
I am glad you were today's guest at Stash Manicure. I will certainly be a follower of yours after reading your blog and today's lessons on Stash manicure. I think the fabric could be a great beginning to a throw or even a larger quilt.
I am a new follower. Thanks for the strip lesson & the darling pattern.
Hi Dorian-
Stopped by after visiting with Madame Sam. I'm so glad she introduced me to you. I'm a new quilter and I know I will learn alot from you. Thank you for sharing some wonderful techniques for quilting. I can't wait to try them.
I love the New London fabric you are having in your give away. I have become a follower of your very nice and informational blog.Thanks
Hi Dorian - I'm a new follower to your blog. I'm over visiting from Madame Samm's. I'm a quilter, but still fairly new, so I really got some pointers from your post at Madame Samm's blog. Thanks for the info! You make it look so easy, so I need to definitely try it!
Oh wow....thanks so much and enjoyed your tutorial over at Sew We quilt....just awesome.
Hi, Dorian! Excellent tutorial over on Stash Manicure... and lovely fabrics you've chosen for this quilt. It's going to be beautiful!
I am so happy to have found you. I am new to quilting this year and am working on a sampler quilt. The HST's are giving me some trouble, and I am determined to find a way that makes them come out perfect. Your tutorial will a big help to me! I am very interested in trying the zig zag technique. Thank you so much and I look forward to reading through your blog! :)
Looking forward to following your blog. Thanks Sew We Quilt! Thank you for the free pattern and more importantly the tips.
I have having more fun, going through all your previous posts here on your blog. Love love your style and sense of color.
Thank you for being on Mme Samm's today
Thanks for explaining strips to the newbies. I think sometimes the modern movement, in wanting to be different, forgets that there are some basic shortcuts that really help. Thanks for the new pattern as well.
Thank you your cute pattern! I loved your post at SewWeQuilt. I had forgotten some of the strip tricks!
I have added our blog to my favourites. I will be back to explore.
Thanks so much for the lovely quilt pattern -- it is beautiful!! And I love the colors of your quilt!
Stopping by form Sew We Quilt. Great tutorial, and I am a new follower to your blog... Karen
Thank you for the tutorial at SewWeQuilt. I am a new follower.
Hello from a new follower.Thank you so much for the tutorial.
I arrived here via today's post as Sew We Quilt.
This goes so nicely with the SQUARED UP section I do on my own blog - following from over at SewWeQuilt
The fabrics you used are wonderful for this pattern. Thanks for the great tutorial.
Loved the posting today at Mme. Samm's. I am now a new follower of your blog. Thank you.
Hi Dorian. just came over from Stash. You write such easy to understand tutorials both there, and here. I will be back.
Hi from your latest follower! Great post over at Madame Samm's and a cute pattern for practising the techniques you outlined.
Thanks from a fairly new quilter :)
Thanks for the pattern! I'm a new follower.
Such a beautiful quilt.. Just love it.
Thanks for your post over at Stash! I appreciate the refresher course on the nine-patches, and your way of making the HSTs is neat!
You make it look so easy.
its soo pretty! i left you a note over at madame samms, but could not get signed in so hope it works.
have a good one,
your sis
Great tutorial with some good tips for a fairly new quilter like myself. I am sponsered by Lily Pad Quilts and am a new follower of yous.
Hello Dorian I am a quilter but this tutorial was a very good review for me. If I have the time I really like your lap quilt for me! I came over from Madame Samm.
Love the quilt pattern. Will have to search the stash for just the right fabric. Thanks for the info.
I came over from Sew We Quilt - great post there and this is a wonderful pattern, too. Thanks for sharing. I've signed up to follow along. Enjoy your day!
Hi Dorian. It is nice to meet you. Great tutorial. I have bookmarked it to try when life slows down a bit. I just became a follower.
Love that patterns! I've been looking for the perfect pattern for some fabric I got and this might be the one! Thank you!
i, too, am one of your new followers from mme. samm. your tutorial post there is a great refresher, and your pattern here will put it into practice. i will print it off and put it on my list. the same for your lone star ...it's just the right size. i've read your machine binding tute, too, and will give thaat a whirl! thanx muchly; will be glad to follow you.
Thanks for the great tutorial. I saw you on stash manicure!
Thanks for your tutorial,thanks for sharing your tips.
I love your lap quilt, is lovely .
I`m a new follower.
I love your post at Sew We Quilt!!! I love the tutorials you shared. I have never made hst's that way. I might just try it!!. I'm a new follower. I'm so glad I found your blog. You share so much great information!!! The fabrics you use in your quilts is gorgeous too! I don't see these combinations used much in blog and!! Gorgeous!!!
Got here from Madame Samm and am glad I stopped by. Your tutorial was very nicely done and easy to follow. I want to make this quilt top my self, for my self. I am thinking fall colors or the fabric in the stack at Madam Samm's...or both!
Hi Dorian!
I found you through your post at SewWeQuilt. What a great tutorial about strip piecing! Thank you. Thank you, too, for the free pattern. I love it, and have had to move other projects down on the "to do" list so I can put this near the top. vbg
What a beautiful pattern! It's kind of intimidating, but I'm still going to try it! I am a new follower of yours here courtesy of Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt. Thank you for the tutorial and helpful guest post!
Great quilt. I must do for me. I hopped over here from Sew We Quilt. I loved your tutorial on how to make the blocks. I am a follower now!!
Love the colors! Thank you!
I enjoyed your tutorial over at stash manicure. Thanks for the quilt pattern.
Such helpful photos...I think I get it! Thank you from a new follower...
Hello Dorian,
Just joined your lovely blog. I love the patterns so simple yet looks so intricate.
I just love those colors that you chose as well.
Glad that Madame Samme asked you to be a guest.
I love your explanation, it seems so much easier than cutting and piecing. I hope to learn even more tips and shortcuts from your blog.
Thanks for all the help with quilting...I am your newest follower...I found you over at SewWeQuilt...I am a beginning quilter that has been sewing for years...your site is going to help me a lot!! Thanks!!!
Beautiful colours for your patchwork. Good tutorial at Sew we quilt.
Great tutorial and lovely quilt. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together.
Beautiful quilt and great tute on stash manicure sew we quilt!
Hi Dorian! Excellent post for beginner quilters! I am a new follower of yours and I am glad I found your blog thru' Sew We Quilt! Very very nice!
What a great pattern and quilt. I was planning on making something similar for my oldest son, but might make this one instead.
Hi Dorian, this is great info. And I love that pattern. I look forward to seeing more from you.
Great tutorial! Love Irish chains any way they arrive. just beautiful. I'm a new follower now by way way of sew we quilt.
Thanks for the fun.
Dropping by from SM. I'm a new follower and I like the tutorial at SM as I need help with hst's, actually I need help with anything on a diagonal :P. I'll get there though :).
I really enjoyed your tutorial... what a great way to make those HST's... your posting was one of the best examples of things I love about blogs... I'm always learning... thanks so much!
What a great tutorial! thanks so much for the info!
Love your fabric colors in your post today. THanks for sharing I'm a new follower via Madame Samm!
Good tutorial. Thanks .
Hi Dorian...I'm a long time follower of Madame Samm and I've also become a follower of your blog. Thanks for the tutorial. I am planning on using the pattern to make a table topper for my dining room table using Fall colors. I'm sure it will look great. If my name was picked I would make myself a small blanket to wrap around me this winter while I watch TV. I would use a high loft batting so it will be cuddly!
I am following you and would like to thank you for the quilt pattern to practice hst's and the 4 & 9 patch. I love Irish chain and have put off making a quilt, but I will use your pattern. Madame Sam has done a great job of introducing us to new quilters. Love the giveaway fabric colors, I would make a new quilt for the guest bedroom.
Thanks, Ms Dorian, for the fun and easy pattern. Love the fabrics ... ;) Pat
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