Hello All,
Welcome to the Ridge. So glad you could pop in. This blog hop by Marian is in celebration of quilting, as March 19th was National Quilt day and all of March is National Craft month. Thanks for putting it together Marian! And thanks to all our sponsers, there's some great prizes being given away every day!
I have a prize to give away! ONE beautiful FQ bundle (sorry, you don't get to choose) from Timeless Treasures AND Marian has a giveaway on her blog also, so don't forget to drop by her site. I'll pick and annouce the winner of my prize Wednesday at 9pm (so you have 24hrs to enter). Please make sure I have a way of contacting you!

This hop is all about our 'quilt qwaziness'... lol.. or why we enjoy quilting so much, our journey, etc. Well, I am crazy about fabrics. I love making things... bags, table runners, small quilts, large quilts, sewing machine covers... lots of things! I have 4 old machines that I use. My two favorites are my late 1800s White Treadle, and my early 1900s Singer 210. I do all my quilting on this Singer.
I started out being a hand quilter. Then about halfway thru my quilting 'career' I turned to machine quilting. Which I still don't do a lot of quilting, as my HUGE stack of quilt tops convey :) I guess I am a piecer at heart ;) So I guess you can say I am crazy about piecing!
I taught myself how to piece and how to quilt (although my Grandma and Great-Grandma both quilted, I wasn't able to learn from either of them). When I was a newlywed and had lots of time on my hands (23 yrs ago), before the kiddo's started arriving, I would go to the library and check out stacks of quilting books (there was no internet back then). I look back at those first quilts and just have to laugh. Points are cut off, seams don't match, there are puckers and so forth. But those are treasured quilts for my kids, that I still have.
Ten years ago (or thereabouts) I joined a group of online quilters at a forum. That forum is gone now, but a few years after I joined that group, a group of us broke off and started our own forum. LOL, well, really, Jess started the forum and runs it today. But I think of it as 'ours' as I was there from the very beginning and have helped Jess out along the way. My long time readers know how much I love making mystery quilts, and that is Jess's line of business. Thats why I have so very many quilt tops packed away, waiting for them to become quilts. I tested most of Jess's patternes over the years, and for a few years, I tested some of Jess's Mom's patterns too. I've learned so much from these Ladies on the forum.
I eventually made it to making my own patterns. Bags and quilts, table mats and more. You can find my tutorials at the top of the screen under the 'tutorials' button. I have some tutorials over at Samm's site too (you can find a list of them on the right side bar). But many of my patterns are just first drafts, tucked away in a three ring binder. Who knows, maybe one day they'll come out and see the light of day. I always thought it would be fun to sell them.
This one I made for my oldest son a few years ago.
And here's the one I made for my dd last year.
I designed both of these quilts for my kids, it's one of my favorite parts of quilting. I love to design and pick out colors, I guess you could say I was crazy about it ;)
I have helped make many donation quilts over the years too. That is always fun, making quilts with friends who love to make quilts :)
This year, I've been working on my Cornerstone blocks quilt. And it's finally a pieced top! Yah. This is my own creation. Very simply two blocks put together to make something a bit different.
I love the corners.
Although, there are a few blocks I would turn around.... if I wanted to undo the quilt... which I don't LOL.
It just fits my queen sized bed.
And here's how far I've got on my Round of 9s reinvented.
Lots of chain stitching going on, to make all these little 4.5" 9 patches.
Here are my piles of segments I'm using.
Part of my love of quilting is helping others learn my craft. So you'll find lots of little tips and tricks through out my blog. I hope you stick around and browse my posts. Have a great day! Don't forget to go over to Marian's for another giveaway. I'll be using a random number generator to pick my winner. So be sure to leave me a comment!
The winner will have to provide me with a valid email address which I will share with
Marian @ Seams to be Sew
who will email you the information to redeem your prize.
As a gift to everyone, the Fat Quarter Shop is offering a 10% discount during the hop.
Please visit these ladies today:
March 23
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Ridge Top Quilts
Quilt Art
Patchwork Breeze
Kwilt Krazy Is rescheduled for tomorrow
Please visit these ladies today:
March 23
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Ridge Top Quilts
Quilt Art
Patchwork Breeze
Kwilt Krazy Is rescheduled for tomorrow

I have been following your blog for a while and enjoy seeing what you have made!
Funny I still use the library once in awhile. We have all come a long ways. Jmikebalou(at)aol dot com
I used the library a lot to learn too. Georgia Bonesteel was my book mentor for quilting and I got hooked on it .
I LOVE the library. I worry that with the world turning digital paper books will someday disappear and old books will be thought of as irrelevant. I admire everyone that can stitch tiny blocks together with precision. I do Crazy Quilt.
thank you for being a stop on the hop.
Happy Easter
You have very good sense of colours. :)
Love tour Cornerstone quilt! Very nice! mumbird3atgmaildotcom
Thanks for sharing your story and your quilts!
I love your quilts. They are very colorful.
Your quilts are beautiful. The library is a great place to learn.
Great story...wonderful quilts!!
Thanks for sharing your projects and the giveaway.
Thanks for sharing you projects!
I've never thought to fancy up quilt corners... Looks fantastic!!!
I've never thought to fancy up quilt corners... Looks fantastic!!!
Wow what fun to look into your quilting life. Great projects and oh how I love those chain piecing quilts!
Thank you for sharing, great post!
Lovely quilts! I love hearing about people's beginnings in quilting!
Your projects are lovely. I think it is so cool to learn how people got started.
I go to our library pretty often for quilting books--seems there's always something new.
Your projects are all wonderful!
It was very nice to see what you have made, it is all beautiful. I also loved your bags, I am a bag maker too ;)
My latest Craze (Quaze?) is Flying Geese and Prairie Points. I did not realize how many ways there were to piece a Flying Goose until I started searching them out.
Your quilts are beautiful. I love the colors. I just started to incorporate different colored backgrounds on my quilts. Thank you for the inspiration. janie(dot)mccombs(at)yahoo(dot)com
your quilts are lovely. what a wonderful journey.
quilting dash lady at comcast dot net
It's so fun to read about your journey to quilting...thanks for sharing. I love those corner blocks on your quilt!
Your quilts are beautiful! I enjoyed reading your quilting journey. Thanks for sharing.
I don't think you're the only one who is crazy about piecing. Lots of my quilt blocks don't even get sewn together into a top! Lots of UFO's at my house too. Your quilts (tops - lol) are lovely.
I love to piece, too, and I love the cutting and the quilting and the binding. I am blessed, I guess, to love the entire process! And, I certainly enjoyed looking at your tops -- because I especially love quilts with lots of different pieces. Thank you for sharing. lynnstck(at)yahoo.com
Very pretty quilts. Like you I like the piecing part struggle with the quilting part. Thank you
I, love those nine blocks corners. I would not even think to undertaking that queen size quilt with all those pieces. Great finish.
Love your quilts and your site. You've gained a new follower!
I agree about the piecing - that's the best part!
Very nice ty for sharing your ideas and story.......... happyness04431@yahoo.com
Hummm... I wonder how many of us look at a finished quilt the day its done and then 6 months later and feel different about it. I usually find I like it a lot better when I can stand back from a quilt for a bit of time.
I love controlled scrappy quilts so yours are right up my alley.
I helped my mama piece quilt tops as a kid, and I still love the piecing more than anything else. Your quilts are lovely.
Loved your story! Most of my quilting is done by myself as I seem to need every bit of concentration! Lol. I have sewed with others and secretly enjoy listening to gossip and news of others but when it comes to making quilts, I just love the one on one time.
I am so glad you shared your quilt journey with us. I am in the first few steps of my journey. Each top pieced has taught me so much - I don't think there is a mistake out there that I haven't made. Thank you for sharing your journey.
tnjmom1 at gmail dot com
Wow! Lots of pretty quilts. I don't do the quilting, but have a friend who has a long-arm that helps me out when I need it.
Beautiful projects, thanks for sharing x
Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com
I love quilting bloggers, you wonderful people are making better quilters of us all over the world. I am learning so much and so appreciative of all of you. crystalbluern at tds dot net
Thank You for sharing some neat totes! Love your quilt too!
I have been enjoying the blog hop and discovering new blog like yours. Thank you for sharing the tutorials. I particularly like the library tote.
I enjoyed your story of the history of your quilt making. Forums are quite fun and there are always so many wonderful and helpful people ready to give a hand. My funnest days online have always been the days I spent on Genie online services back in the early 90s, it's really where I got my start for online quilting and it's the one thing today that I miss the most about being online is wondering what happened to all those really wonderful people I use to talk to. It's very cool that you've been able to maintain those relationships over the years. I'm so happy you joined us for this hop and I hope their will be more to come. :)
It's been interesting to learn about you and the other quilters on the hop! Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win!
I love piecing and designing as I am making my quilts. I have a bag of quilt tops ready to be made into quilts. I sure do dream about quilting them and will take the plunge soon as I have family and friends waiting for these creations. Thanks for sharing your creative space during this blog hop.
tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Thanks for sharing your love of quilting with those of us on the blog hop. We are all quilt qwazy, aren't we? My husband would tell you that, for sure!
I have a few of those "older" quilts too - and I love them just as much as the "new" ones. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
Thank you for telling your quilt story. I just found a hexagon block I hand pieced over 40 years ago. Still exciting to see it.
I love all the bright colors you use! lalaluu @ yahoo dot com
Thank you for sharing, It is nice meeting all you quilters!
Enjoyed your post here and your quilts look HAPPY!
Love your designs. Thanks so much for sharing
I really enjoyed reading about your quilt journey, Dorian. Even more, I have enjoyed sharing a part of those years, my friend. Your quilts are wonderful and inspiring. The cornerstone quilt worked up beautifully. I love the border fabrics and corner squares you chose to finish your blocks. Looking forward to seeing your nine patches when they are done. Thank you for sharing in the hop ... :) Pat
I am addicted to Mystery Quilts, you just had to put a link there didn't you? lol
Thanks so much, I've joined your blog as well. :)
i love all your quilts, they are gorgeous. thanks for sharing and the chance to win.
Lots of beautiful quilts. Thank you for lots of inspiration.
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your quilts--your Cornerstones quilt is especially striking. I'm always inspired to run to my machine when I see other quilter's brilliant designs! In that way, the internet has supplemented our local library, which has a rather small selection of quilting books that I like to page through, to give me ideas for my next quilt, and the one after that, and the one after that...
I love your color choices and designs. Thanks for the giveaway.
Another inspiring blog. My favorite part is also choosing fabric and creating a design.
love your projects
I liked ALL your quilts, you do very neat work. And yes, your corners were great! Thank you for sharing them all.
You have beautiful quilts. I so enjoyed seeing them.
I do enjoy popping by to take a look at what you're doing. Thanks for sharing a bit of your journey, and some of your quilt photos. I enjoyed that. Thanks also for the giveaway! dezertsuz at gmail
Hi Dorian! Just joined again (via email) as I missed seeing these! I just tested a pattern for Jess (very unlike her!)--great fun. LOVE the cornerstone quilt!
First time to your blog. Thanks for sharing your quilting journey. I really like the bright colors in your quilts. Thanks for the draw. raydeer@memlane.com
Your quilts are lovely. I always enjoy hearing other quilters storie of their journey in quilting. Thanks for the chance to win.
LOL, I'm a piecer as well, I have several quilt tops not quilted yet, but the ones you have quilted look fantastic!
I can't imagine taking that quilt apart to change anything on it. It looks fabulous. It's fun to read how everyone started this qwazy journey!
I think most of us have more quilt tops laying around then we would care to admit :)
I enjoy making donation quilts and getting to try new patterns. Thanks for sharing!
You have done a fabulous job on your quilts.. Thanks for sharing!
Enjoyed your quilting story and the pictures of your many projects.
I have a few tops in need of quilting too, they're next on my to do list now I have more wadding.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
Books on quilting from the library is how I started to quilt, too!
Lovely quilts, thanks for sharing!
my email is: bestbelle2010@aol.com
I love all the bright colors. mtmom57@gmail.com
I enjoyed your story. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing your quilt story. It is very interesting to hear how various quilters have "evolved" over the years. sewgood414athotmaildotcom
Your designs are lovely! I hope that all of those in the notebook do see the light of day! Thanks for sharing your lovely quilts.
My favorite blogs are those with tips and tricks. I'm so glad to meet you and I'll have to spend some time looking at your blog.
I guess I'm not the only one who "almost" wants to turn a block around after it's all assembled! My eye seems to just travel to that one spot like it's shouting at me, but oh well! I love your corners too...very creative!
Thank you for sharing your story and quilts. 24Tangent@gmail.com
I love that you use 'old' machines. I do wish I had my mom's treadle machine.
Glad you are part of this Hop! Going to sign up to Follow your blog! Love it already, and thank you for sharing tips & projects..and your story. :)
Thank you for sharing your quilt journey. Love the colors you choose for your quilts.
I am glad to read your journey. I am currently working on my first quilt. And it is so not perfect. Some of the seams are a little off as I am piecing it together and I just can't get them right. You give me hope that I will get better.
debbygrawn at yahoo dot com
I "sew" love your quilts!
Wonderful story and great quilts! Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
Your Cornerstone blocks quilt is gorgeous. Three cheers for the public library. I'm a retired librarian so it's always good to hear someone promote libraries. And, yes, even with the internet, libraries still matter.
Awesome work!
Great quilts! Thank you for sharing.
Loved looking at your quilts. Such an inspiration for me, thanks
sewfabrics at outlook.com
I have to say I'm more of a piecer than an actual quilter, although I am starting to do more quilting on my domestic machine. Thanks for sharing your story!
Beautiful quilts - thanks for the inspiration :) x
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