Sunday, April 28, 2024

Progress on two projects

 Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all having a nice Spring. Ours is pretty typical: snow, sun, Tstorms, sun, rain, repeat :) The flowers are all starting to bloom, the redbud is blooming as is the lavender. The grass is green and trees are leafing out. Such a beautiful time of year.

I've been steadily working on the Scrappy mystery quilt from Charlotte Hawks. She has been giving us clues once a month for the past four months. Here is my progress.

The lighter gray is the background. The bit darker gray and red is what she calls borders. I didn't use any gray/black or red in the blocks, so as not to distract with the background/borders the same color.

Block 1: That darker gray was supposed to be black, but... it isn't really.

Block 2:

Block 3: the lighter gray is the background

Block 4: The next few blocks will look similar, but have a few small differences.

Block 5:

Block 6:

We have one more block that is partial completed, finishing clue is next month, so I'll show it when it's done. Then I think we'll be putting it all together.

I have to say, I am having a LOT of fun with this quilt!! I have 3 small drawers that have my scraps that are less then 1/4 yrd, but bigger than 5". So I've been cutting triangles as I go. Trying to get a lot of variety. The only problem with that is....

I have MORE triangles now to deal with, ugh!! I have a baggy full of triangles, one day I keep telling myself I do something with them, but still haven't gotten around to it. Although I have saved a few patterns that deal with scrappy triangles.

The other pattern I'm working on is Edyta's birthday quilt. This is a series of 6" blocks, one a week for most of the year. With a few bonus blocks thrown in, so far they have been applique.

Blocks 1-6 (they all need to be pressed and trimmed)

Blocks 7-12

Blocks 13-16 plus one bonus block. Those sweet hearts is the bonus block, I haven't done the first bonus block yet.

I'm having a lot of fun with this quilt too. I've never done a sampler type quilt, but I am having fun picking out the fabrics for each block. The fabric is from Corey Yoder, and I really love this fabric line! The blue comes from one of her other lines, so it goes really well with the other colors.

So this is what I've been doing, mostly. Just puttering on these blocks and starting a few other little scrappy projects.

Have a great day, thank you for stopping by.


1 comment:

Carol said...

Dorian, as usual, I love looking at your creativity! Your fabric choices are great! Thanks for sharing! :);;



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