"What I've been up to..." Can't say I've been doing very much. My Bear Paw quilt I've set aside for now. I want to make the borders, just haven't wanted to do the math. lol
So then I thought I had better start work on my dd's Kitty quilt, as her birthday was a week or so ago and I really want her to have it. I've just finished the quilting on it.
I've just layed it out on my bed, so it's the not best pictures. But when I get the binding on, I'll take full photos.
The kitty is a panel, so for quilting I wanted to do some really cool stuff to make it look like fur... but alas, I am not that talented. lol. So I just followed (or tried to follow) the lines between the colors.
And then on the background, I did some flowery things.
And the border is this neat print that is partially colored in, and the part that isn't, my dd can color in with some fabric markers.

So, now to get that binding made and put on. And then onto other things. I think I want to do some more FMQing, so I will pick out a top and buy some batting and backing.
This is my birthday month too. When dh asked me what I wanted, I told him a subscription to the FQ Sew sampler box. My box arrived yest, right on my birthday :D so that was fun.
The weather is finally out of the awful heat wave we had last week. It's definately summertime here in N. California. Brown fields, green trees and lots of heat.
Hope you're having a wonderful Summer... or Winter...
Love how your kitty quilt is turning out! And Happy Birthday! How fun to receive happy mail on your day too!
It looks very pretty! Don't forget to post it finished so we can all check out the final product.
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