Hello Everyone!
Welcome to my blog. And my day on the hop. Thank you Samm, Wendy and Maywood Fabrics for a fun theme for our hop.
We are not big Halloween people, the kids and I. When my third child was just a little guy, we took them all trick or treating, this being Carson's first time. Carson is quite the shy boy and he was not able to go up to the houses and knock on the door. I think he managed a few houses that day, but that was it.
Which all means, that I don't decorate for Halloween. Except for a few paper crafts the kids enjoy doing.
But, I just love Maywood fabrics and knew I wanted to play around with these cute ones. I picked the panel and a few of the prints.
This is Blackjack, hanging out in the trees, admiring the Fall foliage.
Blackjack is unique,
his tail comes off!
What?! why does his tail come off....
Well, to play pin the tail on the kitty of course :) One of our favorite Halloween games (actually, we usually make a very simple drawing of a witches head and a removable hat and play pin the hat on the witch. LOL.)
If you look closely, you can see I fmqed a face on Blackjack :)
But this is so much nicer! We have a bit of Halloween decor as well as a fun game to play.
Blackjack wishes you all a fun Halloween!
Another project I made, this trick or treat bag that one of you could win. (side one)
Yup, my VERY FIRST giveaway here on the blog! It makes the perfect trick or treat bag, or if you want to keep it for yourself, it will hold a few books from the library, or any other little thing you want to use it for. (here's side 2)
Pumpkin Spice, the kitty (really, that's her name), was checking it out, making sure everything was good do go :)
Just make a comment, and make sure if you are a no-reply blogger, that I have your email address so I can contact you if you are the winner. International's welcome :) I will draw a winner on Thursday, Oct 30th. Yes, too late to use this year, but you can keep it around for next year.
Thank you so much for stopping by! Make sure you visit these other lovely Ladies to see what they have made.
October 27
You can find the full schedule on Wendy's blog.

My kids didn't like to trick or treat either. A little school party and the local fire dept party - that was all they needed.I think it very clever to make a pin the tail game out of your cute quilt.
Your quilt is really unique with that tail and the design is just beautiful...love it! The bag looks fabulous next to that sweet looking kitty!
I love your idea of a pin the tail on the kitty. Your quilt is so cute as is the bag. I think Pumpkin Spice approves.
Love how you can use your quilt for fun and games! Your kitty's name is unique. Thank you for sharing.
That is such a cute quilt. I love the pin the tail on the cat idea. Also your tote is awesome as well.
Love your Blackjack quilt with the tail! The tote is great, and looks good next to the model cat.
I love Blackjack! It is a stunning quilt and then you made it all even BETTER by making it into a game. Amazing. Loving the bag as well. Thank you for your wickedness.
I love your pin the tail on the kitty idea. Thanks for the chance to win the cute bag.
I love your quilt it is so lovely. Thanks for sharing your creativity.
oh dearie Dorian....this is pretty amazing...love the centre cat and the tail comes off....lol you did the collection justice...soooo puffect in every way and a tote to match....
wow your quilt is so lovely..super spooky cute..
my dear please count me in your sweet giveaway..i love it so much,.,and i wish i can win it..finger crossed..
love from cucki xxx
What a clever idea to have Pin the Tail on the Kitty. Such fun. Love the quilt and the sweet tote.... and Pumpkin Spice is also a cutie. Thanks for the giveaway!
This is the best quilt EVER!! What a fun and unique idea. I want to come to your party!! Very cool tote too!
Dorian, I personally do not like cats but I do love them on Halloween quilts especially yours
What a fun idea! Our Main Street closes to cars for a couple of hours for the wee ones to gad about. That is all my granddaughter wants to do on Halloween.
Your quilt is beautiful and so clever!
Love your pin the tail on the kitty quilt! Very clever indeed!
Lindo trabalho! Uma perfeição.
I don't think any of my grands have liked Halloween either! I love your Black Jack...what a fun idea! blessings, marlene
I love the pin the tail on the cat idea.
That is such a great idea! It make a great quilt too.
What a fun way to spend halloween. My kids would have loved that pin the tail on the cat idea.
What a wonderful idea that tail is. The quilt is great and you highlighted the fabric line so well.Love a chance to win the bag, another great idea.
Great job on the quilt! Cute kitty as too
An interactive quilt-how cool is that! Love it. Pumpkin Spice is a great model-wonder if she is going to play hide n seek in that cute bag?
What a great quilt. Love that it is Pin the tail on the kitty. You Trick or Treat bag is perfect.
Cute projects. Happy Halloween!
Dorian, what a great idea you came up with! I really love the quilt and I especially love the idea of being able to use it for a game. How cool is that? Great job!
Pretty, pretty, pretty, and ingenious too! Pumpkin spice is a perfect name! Love how you used the fabric for the bag.
Fun interactive quilt :)
Very cute idea with your cat. Pumpkin Spice makes a great quilt inspector!
A quilt that is a game too? Aren't you the clever one. Great idea for Halloween. Every year will be fun with this quilt.
Awesome quilt, one of the most fun, double use quilts I have seen, very cool!
My children didn't like trick or treating either!!
I love your quilt!
Hi!!!! Very pretty quilt!!!! I love your pin the tail on the kitty!!!! Cute bag too!!!!!
We enjoyed Trick or Treating when we had the security of living on Army bases. Your quilt is a very cute and innovative idea.
Such a cute quilt. I love that it's a game too. I have a kitty that looks like pumpkin spice.
Love it! Sew creative! The bag is awesome too!
We didn't do Halloween either...we did celebrate my daughter's birthday instead on the 30th and I don't think the kids ever really missed Halloween...
I LOVE your little Kitty in the Quilt!!! And that TAIL!!! that is a great surprise and a FUN game!!!!
What a great idea. We would usually buy some paper cat or witch and play pin the tail. I love the cat tail idea. And it can hang up all the time and look so cute.
I really like your quilt and the way you used the panel. I hadn't seen the whole panel before.
What a delightful kitty quilt with those fabulous fabrics! Great job. Looks like Pumpkin Spice approves too! :-)
Love the use of the panel, such a cute quilt. thanks for the give away! jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com
Dorian, I LOVE Your Quilt and such a neat idea for a Game to play too!! So much talent and creativity!! Thanks for sharing such a special Quilt and bag to give away!!
Huggs, Nancy
How clever! I know your boys enjoy your tradition on Halloween just as much as going door to door.
Your quilt and bag are really cute!
I love the idea of pin the tail on the kitty...so cute! Thanks for sharing and the chance to win that adorable bag!
What a cooool Quilt!! And the Tote is Super Duper!! Looove it!! (& Pumpkin spice is good lil' helper, and model!)
Love your black cat quilt and the bag is just too cute for words. Great work!
I love your quilt!!! How wonderfully creative of you to make a Pin the Tail on the Cat game!! You did a great job of fussy cutting to get that border so perfect! I could see the kitty face you quilted :) Your bag is adorable and would be perfect for my granddaughter to use in her quest for more candy!! Thank you for having such a lovely giveaway!! Pumpkin Spice is too cute!!!!
Welcome! I adore your quilt which is also a fun game. Family time is priceless. Very sweet bag give. Thank you sew very much for participating and hopping. Creative Black Cat Crossing Bliss...
Your Halloween quilt is very pretty! How clever to have the Pin the Tail on Blackjack!
What a cute idea for a Halloween party! Love your quilt and bag!
They are both adorable. I love how you made your quilt so the tail of the cat comes off. What a great game to play with the children.
Pumpkin Spice is beautiful!! Your Blackjack quilt is pretty. I love how you added the panels. The bag is super cute too!!
That quilt works so great with the panels. Really nice. And what a cute idea with the tail & the game. Happy Halloween!
Love the idea a of pin the tail on the kitty Love your quilt
Really cool fall tote. Your quilt is outstanding. Cute idea with the detachable tail. Ouch!
Cute quilt and treat bag. My grandson would love to have it to use for trick or treating. He uses a plastic grocery bag so it would be a definite upgrade for him. I think I'm a reply blogger but just in case. kthurn@bektel.com
Pin the tail on the cat is such an awesome idea for a party! My boys love the library too.
Love the quilt. What a unique idea for the cats tail. We have a kitten that looks a lot like Pumpkin Spice who is named Pumpkin. Thanks so much for sharing your quilt and for the wonderful give away.
Waohm, what a great idea to make this tail come away, this gives me a new idea for next year!
I love this quilt! Blackjack is wonderful :-)
I love how you worked Blackjack's face, that's such a great idea! And how awesome to have décor, game, and quilt project all in one! Thank you for sharing, and for the giveaway. :)
A great cat quilt!
Patricia C
What a fun quilt…love that it can be used to play 'pin the tail on the kitty'!!!
What a beautiful quilt and a very clever idea to make it into a game for the whole family to play.
I love your quilt. I'm loving this fabric line also-a great hop!
For someone that doesn't do Halloween you sure made an amazing Halloween piece. And making it into a game, what an idea. Thanks for sharing and having a great give away.
Cute idea for a Halloween game! Carole @ From My Carolina Home - contact info on my blog if I am the lucky winner.
Pin the tail on the kitty, I love it, what a creative idea. Your quilt is really cute.
What a cute project! And I love Pumpkin Spice - she looks like my Tiger.
My kids don't do halloween either.....your quilt is very clever....great sewing creativity !
sweet quilt and bag
Very cute idea. My kids were never big trick or treaters either, and neither are the grands.
Fun idea!! I love the pin-the-tail-on-the-kitty!
Your quilt is wickedly wonderful, my friend! "Pin the tail on the kitty!" Sew original! Congrats!!
Since my big kiddos trick or treat days are over, you know where this cute bag would be gifted should my grand-darling and I be so lucky as to win ... ;) Pat
Love your unique creation! Congrats on being Madame Samm's pick of the day.
What a cool idea to combine your hop project with a game for the kids! Love it.
Love the idea of placing the cat in the center of the quilt. Cute.
Very clever kitty quilt! Love the idea behind it. And your bags are superb. The prairie points are the perfect touch!
What a sweet little quilt and how very clever to be able to play pin the tail on the kitty. Love your kitty's name.
This quilt is too clever! I like your pattern selection as well. Nice work!
Love your projects! Purrrrfect!
OMG, what a wonderful quilt for pin the tail on the cat. Your Blackjack quilt along with the bag is wonderful just love it.
Very spooky black cat, that Blackjack....thanks for the giveaway too! yessewingisfun@yahoo.com
"Pin the tail on the cat!" What a fantastic idea. :D Pumpkin Spice is so adorable, modeling the bag.
That quilt is very nice with those pretty fabrics!! And making a game with it is such a neat idea!! Love the bag as well!!
This is just so darn cute, and the tail is wonderful! Thanks for sharing your creations with us.
Love your quilt and trick or treat bags. As much as we (ok, "I") love Halloween we don't decorate the house either...I'm not sure why not...I guess becuz we pretty much live at the quilt shop...LOL.
You are so clever, Dorian! That is just cute, cute, cute! We're not a big Halloween family either, but the kids always loved pin the tail on the donkey and what a smart cookie you are for making this fun version!
great quilt and such a unique idea
Love your Halloween quilt!! It is so pretty! Thanks so much for the chance to win the treat bag! I LOVE it! :-)
What a wonderful quilt and what a creative idea to make it for a game. Thanks for sharing. Blessings Sandra
I love your game! My daughter played pin the eyes on Frankenstein this week. I think it was her first time playing a version of this game!
What a great idea for a quilt and a fun game too! Thanks for sharing and for the give away.
Love your quilt and your idea of pinning the tail on the kitty. Real cute.
Oh I love nice big room tote bags and this one is perfect! I would carry it for another month..at least! Thanks, Diane
Your quilt is lovely and your trick-or-treat bag is adorable! Pumpkin Spice is the perfect name for your kitty!
Oh your quilt is just fabulous and I love that you made it into a game. Nicely done.
While I may have missed the fantastic give away ... I am still very happy that I stopped by. Wonderful job and I am so glad you participated in this year's hop ... Thank you for sharing :)
What a magnificent quilt!
I love it! What fun to play pin the tail on the kitty for Halloween! Thanks for sharing such a creative idea.
I'd never have thought of 'pin the tail on the kitty' - such a good idea!
Cute idea, pin the tail on the cat. A spooktacular fun game. Love the sweet treat Halloween bag. Thanks for sharing your spooktacular projects!!
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