Hello Everyone!
Welcome to my blog. And my day on the hop. Thank you
Wendy and
Maywood Fabrics for a fun theme for our hop.
We are not big Halloween people, the kids and I. When my third child was just a little guy, we took them all trick or treating, this being Carson's first time. Carson is quite the shy boy and he was not able to go up to the houses and knock on the door. I think he managed a few houses that day, but that was it.
So, from then on we started just having fun and games at home. My big kids are teens now, and they still enjoy playing games, eating carmel apples and getting some candy treats.
Which all means, that I don't decorate for Halloween. Except for a few paper crafts the kids enjoy doing.
But, I just love Maywood fabrics and knew I wanted to play around with these cute ones. I picked the panel and a few of the prints.
This is Blackjack, hanging out in the trees, admiring the Fall foliage.
Blackjack is unique,
his tail comes off!
What?! why does his tail come off....
Well, to play pin the tail on the kitty of course :) One of our favorite Halloween games (actually, we usually make a very simple drawing of a witches head and a removable hat and play pin the hat on the witch. LOL.)
If you look closely, you can see I fmqed a face on Blackjack :)
But this is so much nicer! We have a bit of Halloween decor as well as a fun game to play.
Blackjack wishes you all a fun Halloween!
Another project I made, this trick or treat bag that one of you could win. (side one)
Yup, my VERY FIRST giveaway here on the blog! It makes the perfect trick or treat bag, or if you want to keep it for yourself, it will hold a few books from the library, or any other little thing you want to use it for. (here's side 2)
Pumpkin Spice, the kitty (really, that's her name), was checking it out, making sure everything was good do go :)
Just make a comment, and make sure if you are a no-reply blogger, that I have your email address so I can contact you if you are the winner. International's welcome :) I will draw a winner on Thursday, Oct 30th. Yes, too late to use this year, but you can keep it around for next year.
Thank you so much for stopping by! Make sure you visit these other lovely Ladies to see what they have made.
October 27
You can find the full schedule on
Wendy's blog.

all rights reserved, mtnmommy2.blogspot.com 2014