It's finally Fall. Although this past week you wouldn't know it by the weather. It was way too hot. But this weekend, we are getting some beautiful Fall weather....maybe even a shower or two :)
I love the early morning light on these trees. The leaves are turning and starting to fall.
I can't believe my little one is 6 months old already! He's sitting up by himself now, with an occasional topple, so we are still pretty careful with him ;) Here he is in one of his favorite spots, the tractor!
He really, really wants to eat 'big people' food. So I've started him on some cereal, banana's and applesauce.
Which means he needed some bibs. Aren't these appropriate. lol
I have a pile of mystery blocks. I'm still working at it. I just don't have time to sew as much as I'd like, so these things are taking time.
I have to work on this, so my mystery quilt will probably go put away for a bit. This is a baby quilt we are making for Sally, who is expecting a Grandson. I'm piecing it, and will send it to another forum member to quilt.
And then I have to get one quilted. It's for another forum member, Tricia, who has a Grandson that needs a quilt.
Then maybe I can play with my fabric for Isaiahs', I spy quilt....I am expecting the rest the fabric in the mail anyday now, then I can show you.
Hope you all have a quilty weekend.

What a cute little guy!!! Love the fun bibs.
The blocks look terrific. It is going to make such a fun quilt.
Cute bibs! I love that pattern - it's a fun one to make. I don't know how you get anything done with a six month old! blessings, marlene
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