Time is just zipping by, don't you agree?
Hello Everyone, I just can't believe how quickly time is going. It's been a mix of HOT weather, and warm weather with cool nights. The thermometer keeps going up and down. Which is better than sticking at HOT, which is usual for us in Summer time.
And because of the heat (and smoke from fires, not close by thankfully), I just haven't been working much on my 9patch project. I have been working thru the trimming of my geese. And am happy to say, they are all trimmed now :)
Then I still have to cut trim and cut the 9patches so they are 'disappearing'.
But mostly, I've been getting my fabrics organized into bins :) And organizing my sewing room.
I have bins that hold fabric from about 1/2 yrd to 2 yrds.
I have some that hold from maybe 1/8 yrd pieces to 1/2 yrd.
Some that have WIP's and scraps in them.
And some have fat quarter bundles, charm packs, panels, things of that nature. Then I have one big one that has some backing pieces, or pieces over 2 yrds, and some batting.
I'm finally getting things organized, cause my sewing table is done :) :)
My 20yr old son (I can't believe he will be 21 in a week!!!!) made this for me. Isn't it beautiful??
It still needs a shelf where those two bins are sitting, but other than that, it's just perfect.
It has a nice drawer and LOTS of space for quilting and cutting!
And, the sewing machine comes out easily, so that I can use my table to sandwhich/baste my quilt tops :) I've tried basting on the floor (arthritic hips don't like that), I've tried using my cutting table (but it didn't move out from the wall so that was hard), I've tried using my bed (that sort of worked), I've even tried using a wall! But all of those spaces had issues, so I am hoping that now that I have this table (that easily moves out from the wall), I can finally start getting some of my lovely tops quilted.
I still need to make a design wall, I have the space for it, just haven't done it. And I still need to move the boy's books (this room used to be their bedroom) out of it and put my sewing books in it. And then my space will be all done and maybe I can just enjoy the quilting. When the weather cooperates that is ;) LOL
Have a great day all.