
Saturday, April 5, 2014

sewjo Saturday, and April goal

Hello, hello Everyone,

Hope you are all well and enjoying a bit of Spring. We are going to have a gorgeous week next week, highs in the low 70s, just PERFECT :)

I got a bit more quilting done this past week than usual, yah!

I had a heck of a time with this RR. You know how some projects everything just seems to go wrong?

Well thats what happened here. I started cutting out HSTs', instead of geese blocks. I measured wrong, numerous times. I sewed things on in the wrong spots. You name, I probably did it. LOL. But at last it is done and on it's way to the next person in line.

Then I got out this charity quilt and got it basted and started to quilt it. It took me forever, it seems, to figure out how I wanted to quilt it. I wanted to do pine trees and bears, but thankfully I stopped myself and reminded myself that I was pretty new to FMQing, and I should probably practice more before I attempted that.

So I am doing meandering stars. It's a lot of repetitiveness, but it will give me good practice.

This is also my goal for April. I need to finish quilting this and get it bound.

Have a great weekend all!

Linking up with Kim and Shannon/Melissa.

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  1. So happy you got that project ready to send on to the next person.. and you did a great job on those flying geese! Love how you continued a pop of color in the cornerstones :) Your FMQ stars and meanderings are looking great! Have fun! Kathi

  2. Ah that kind of project happens to us all but it looks good and that's all that really matters in the end. :)


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