
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Around the Ridge

(This is very, very strange.... I started making this post on Sunday, March 30th. I scheduled it to publish... I THOUGHT I had it scheduled for April 1st.... but it published itself AHEAD of 3 other posts I had out this month, with a date of March 4th... how weird! But here it is again, just in case you missed it. lol)

Hello Everyone,

I haven't done an Around the Ridge post in ages. So I thought I'd show you a few things today.

My Daughter took all of these beautiful photos!

We bought some fruit trees earlier this year, they are now starting to leaf out.

We have a few kinds of apple, pears, a fig and a plum.

We also have berries.

Cranberries, currants, blueberries... and grapes :)

It will be so wonderful to start harvesting fruit! The trees will take a few years, of course, they are just little things. But we should get some berries this year.

The Red Bud is in full bloom. I love Red Bud, look at that color!

This is my first rose, it's on a south facing slope and blooms first every year (interesting it's almost the exact color of Red Bud :) ).

I also have a few Iris's blooming.

I hope Spring is warming you up...... We are now having a bit of Winter here. Its been sooo mild this year, we have some rain and possible snow coming over the next few days...but it will only be around a day or so, then we'll be back to the sun.

Have a great day.

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1 comment:

  1. The forsythia and daffodils are gorgeous here as are the tulip trees. I haven't seen any iris yet (mine are always very late) but I've seen a few tulips. I love spring! :) blessings, marlene


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