
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Summer star

Here's my progress on my next scrappy star... I think I'll call it my Summer star, as it's so flowery and pretty.

Here is a close up of the outer diamonds. They are a very lite green, so are kind of washed out in that top picture. (Sigh, I think it's just the picture. LOL. Even outside in the shade, there was too much sun on it)

 I just love the Nicey Jane for the background. I do admit though, that I had to cut into some yardage for the background. I just did not have any scraps big enough, in the right color and I didn't want pieced. Although I did try out some pieced backgrounds, I like this better.

I decided to put in a little flange there too. It seperates the colors a bit I think.

I have one more border I am working out, then I think I'll leave it as a wall hanging too.

And it's Fabric Tuesday over at Quiltstory! So I am doing my weekly link up.  I want to thank that Gals over at Quiltstory too!! This fabric Tuesday is helping me stay on top of my projects! LOL

I've also posted a few quick HST tutorials over at the Q&N blog.

 Have a great day!

Thanks for stopping by, Dorian


  1. Your star is very pretty! Something I haven't tried yet but maybe some day. Are you using a pattern from a book...or online? Anyway, very nice!

  2. Beautiful quilt block, it looks very tricky! Would love to make something like this one day, it's beautiful!


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