
Monday, January 31, 2011

This and that

We had a cloudy weekend, woke up to a touch of snow on the ground yesterday. Then it started to rain and the snow was washed away. By evening time, the rain had stopped but the clouds were thick! When we lived in the valley, I called this FOG.....

 But now that we live up in the mountains, we just call it clouds...LOL

 It looks like smoke...but it's just the clouds moving's clear as a bell out now. So that made for a crisp, cold night.

I spent some time in the sewing room over the weekend. I was taking pictures for another small tute...I have to redo almost HALF of them! I don't know why they came out blurry on me.

I also spent some time working on my scrappy star. I haven't taken any more photos though, I wanted to wait till we had some sun today.

I really need to take some quilt tops outside and just have a photography session...LOL

Have a great day all.

 Thanks for stopping by, Dorian

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