
Friday, November 29, 2013

Friendship X and + swap

Good morning Everyone,

I finally have a bit of sewing to show you :) This is the first bit of fabric I pulled for the Friendship swap Pat and I are doing. I am using bits and pieces, a strip or two here, a couple of squares there. With a few FQ's thrown in. There is a lot of favorite fabrics going into this swap, which I just have bits of. I hope my selection is ok with you Pat :) I will, of course, be adding to the pile as I use these up.

The best way for me to make these blocks is to cut up a bunch of fabric and put them in my basket.

Then when I find a few minutes of time to sew thruout the day, I can just grab some squares and start sewing. This also helps me, a little bit, with the controlling aspect of scrappy blocks ;)

I haven't had a chance to trim these up yet. But I'll get that done today, and then I can get them in the mail! I thought I was going to be late mailing on our first blocks. But... I pieced these yesterday instead of putting binding on Jed's quilt.

The reason for that?? Weeelll... I didn't buy enough fabric for the binding too! You would think with a house full of boys, that I would have more boy fabric in my stash... But I don't! Guess I'm selfish that way ;) lol

I am hoping to find something today in my stash that I can make work though. As I would love to get my November goal finished.

Have a great weekend. And if you're crazy enough to be out shopping today, good luck to you! I'll be staying home.

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