
Saturday, November 30, 2013

ALOYF November goal.... FINISHED!

And just under the wire too ;)

Hello Everyone! Yah, Jeds quilt is finally done. Yesterday, I was saying that I didn't have any fabrics for the binding. Well, I looked again, and decided that since next week we are getting our first storm of the season, it's going to get in the 20s over night with snow!!, that Jed needed his new quilt.

I'm so glad I decided to go with this binding. I love it!

It compliments the quilt perfectly  I think.

I love that gray fabric in the middle. It's from V&Co's simply color line.

And here's the back. I'll use the hexagon as a label.

And one more.

I have a lot more to say about this quilt. But for now, I have to run... and get this posted. Here is my Nov goal post.

A Lovely Year of Finishes

Have a great day!

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  1. What a fun pattern! Very creative! I love it!

  2. Dorian I love this quilt! That gray was a great choice. blessings, marlene

  3. I love this quilt! That is The Boy's "new" truck? It is a classic! ... <3

  4. Jed's quilt is wonderful! Is the pattern one of your originals?


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