
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November.... already

Hello, hello everyone,

Can you believe it's November already?! This year just flew by, once again. My youngest enjoyed his first Halloween of trick or treating. He had a blast! Wasn't scared in the least, which is a good thing.

Fall is here in earnest, the leaves are all changing, the air is cooler, and we are finally getting rain on and off, a few times a week. It sure does feel good after the hot Summer.

But I'm still not sewing very much. Maybe it's just one of those 'I have a young son so don't have time to sew' things.

Although I HAVE started testing the newest mystery by Jess. It's her Dec mystery, so all I can show you is the fabrics I've picked out. (If you want a previous mystery by Jess, just click on her name.)

Aren't they beautiful?! LOL, in going thru my fabrics, looking for those that went together, I noticed how feminine my fabric stash is. I guess having a house full of boys, this is where my 'girly' side comes out.... But that means I need to buy more boyish fabrics when I want to make one of my boys something.... Darn ;)

I'm still plodding along on my cornerstone blocks too. My machine was down for a week, while I waited for a new cord. But now that it's up and running again, I'm hoping to carve out a little more time in the sewing room this week.

Hope you all have a lovely day!

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