
Friday, August 1, 2014

August goal for ALOYF

Hello All,

Hope your Summer is going well. We need rain here in California, anybody care to send some?? Our fire season has already started, and August is usually are hottest, driest some rain would be awesome.

My middle son is turning 10 this month, I thought it fitting that it's his quilt I plan on quilting up for my August goal. The top was pieced back in November 2013! I blogged about it here.

So it's time to get 'er done! I have the backing fabric ordered, so as soon as it gets here, I can get going on it.

Have a great day!

A Lovely Year of Finishes

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  1. I'm sure Birthday boy will love it once it's quilted! :-)

    Hope the backing fabric comes soon.

  2. It sounds like a worthy and realistic goal. Good luck and enjoy the process.

  3. Happy Birthday to the Birthday Boy! Looking forward to seeing your quilting on this cute boy quilt ... :) Pat


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