
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Working on a mystery

Good morning Everyone,

I hope you all have been having some sunshine and warmer weather. It's been beautiful here this week. Next week we are due for some more rain, which is needed so I will not complain :)

What have you all been working on this week?

I put aside my baby blocks and friendship blocks last weekend to start the mystery quilt over at the Q&N. These are the fabrics I am using.

I don't usually buy black fabric with print on it, but I fell in love with this one. The roses are so sweet. And the mystery quilt seemed a good time to use it. I'm happy I had some coordinating fabrics to go with it in my stash :)

Here is where I am at today on this project.

These are the two main blocks, I have most of them done.

I had put these aside come Monday of this week, so I could finish my other blocks that I wanted to get mailed out on Tues. Those are in the mail, so now I am back to working on my mystery quilt.

Have a happy, quilty day, as my good friend Pat likes to say :)

Linking up with  Kim for Sewjo Saturday.

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  1. We also had some sunny pretty weather. Good luck with your project! I have never done mystery and probably never will :-)

  2. I can't read patterns well enough yet for a mystery but would love to try one of Bonnie Hunters :) Thanks for sharing the link up ... will have to write a blog post for it and enter for a chance! lol Love how your blocks are looking and I love that black print! I would have bought it too... and it isn't what I usually go for in fabric design but it is worth it for sure! Thanks for blogging Dorian! Kathi

  3. I've participated in 2 mysteries and enjoyed both of them. I love the black print you chose - easy to see why you fell in love with it. Isn't it fun to be able to shop from your stash? Your blocks are a pretty beginning to your mystery.

  4. I like the roses! I am so ready for some warmer weather and outdoor sewing! Thank you for linking up to SEWjo Saturday :o)

  5. I haven't gotten into mystery blocks yet, I am just now venturing out into swaps for cut pieces..a postage stamp quilt and fat quarters! I know what you mean about that black with print... I fell for some similar, thought it was gorgeous and just had to have it so I bought 2 yds (with coupon of course!) and...sadly..there it still sits in my stash! but it is really pretty sitting there! But one of these will be a beautiful quilt!


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