
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Happenings and ALYOF goal setting

Hello Everyone,

I hope those in the West are staying cool. I hate these heat waves. LOL

First up, if you are a Quilt and Needle forum member, OR are a member of our Facebook site, it's time to vote for the Paint Chip Challenge. You have until July 5th. And let me tell you, there is 13 gorgeous projects, and you can only vote once! It's a hard choice.

Secondly, here is my oldest sons finished quilt top. He loves it :)

 He is passionate about Trains, so I have called it Train Stop. He also is a math whiz, so those geometric shapes are right up his alley.

I love the gray graduate strips. They are from V & Co's Simply Color line.

And third, my goal for July is to get my Christmas in July blog hop project started and completed! I have to have it done by August 2nd, which is my day on the blog hop......

I don't even have my fabric yet! So can't even show you a picture of that. lol.

A Lovely Year of Finishes Have a great day!

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  1. Wow! Jed's top looks wonderful! I really like the way you added the strips in the graduating gray colors. Great design and use of the fabrics, my friend ... :) Pat

  2. What a great title for that quilt, Dorian! I didn't notice the wheels and train car until you mentioned the "train" theme. lol So cool! I'm glad Jed loves it too! Congrats!


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