
Friday, June 21, 2013

Quilting practice

Hello Everyone,

Do you have good weekend plans? We are going to enjoy another day or two of sunshine, then get some much needed rain. Rainy days are good days for practicing the quilting...if baby allows that is ;)

I've been getting my Paint Chip Challenge project finished up. It just needs the binding. I have 7 more days, so I best get it done!

I love my walking foot! This is the most dense quilting I've done.

I've also been working on my FMQing.

I wish the back looked as good.... I know, practice, practice! LOL.

I did discover that my machine much prefers me quilting with the feed dogs up. So that helped, once I figured it out.

This is something I want to start practicing a lot, as I really like it!!

Have a great day all!

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1 comment:

  1. Looking good, my friend! I am really interested in seeing the whole challenge quilt ... :) Pat


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