
Sunday, October 21, 2012

What I'm working on

Hello Everyone,

It seems like forever since I've shown you an actually finish, that's larger than a bib. And I don't have a finish to show you today. But you Moms all know what it's like, especially if you're a home schooler.... with a new baby. lol

Anyways, this is what I am working on...

Some lovely Fall colors. It's going to be a table runner, and it's  a Christmas gift... so I WILL have it finished to show you soon :)

These cute little HST's are only 1" finished...

This is one of my favorite blocks to make with HST's. I don't know what it is about windmill blocks, but I like them.


I also received the rest of the fabric I needed to finish the Zebra quilt we are making for Sally's grandbaby, on the forum. So I need to finish getting that put together.

And this coming week I am getting a new-to-me machine!! I can't wait. I HAVE to have this I have a walking foot that doesn't fit on any of my machines at home. I was told this walking foot " fits all low shank machines", well, it doesn't. After I bought it, I was told by another person who sells old machines, that they never made a walking foot that fits a White rotary machine?!

So, I brought in our Singer 201-2 that had been out in an outbuilding. It was here when we moved in. I don't know how long it was sitting out in that building... and I don't know why it took me so long to bring it in the house to see if it works. LOL.

But, one of the parts we needed for it, we haven't been able to find. And it seems like the motor is binded up. And a few other things. So...

We looked on Ebay yesterday and found a beautiful Singer 201-2 that is in great shape. And it comes with a passel of lovely feet and attachments, all in their original boxes.... I can't WAIT till it gets here!!!

And when it does get here, I can finish the two baby quilts I have committed to quilt for our Quilty Aunts on the forum. And THEN, I can get to Isaiah's quilt.

:) Have a great day. I'll be sure to show you pictures of my lovely machine, when it gets here.

Joining Freshly Pieced today...

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
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  1. If you have questions about that machine and how to get it running Michelle over at I Love Lou ( is wonderful with machines and is so sweet to answer questions - you'll love her! blessings, marlene


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