
Saturday, February 4, 2012

scrappy box progress

 Hello everyone,

I decided to go with a traditional block for using up strips...the log cabin. To finish off the scrappy boxes I've been working on.

A good handful of my strips that I just could NOT throw away, were only 1"x5". A 1" strip cut off my charm pack of Northcote Range.

So I have trimmed all the scraps I am using down to 1" in width. These blocks measure 5".

I like the various ways you can put log cabins together, to make different designs.

I have about 34 boxes to put strips on. These are only a few of them. Lots of work to do still.

Maybe next week I'll have a bit more to show you.....

Have a great day!

Linking up with Jenna again.

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  1. I have a bunch of 1" strips, now I have an idea for them. Thank you!

  2. The first couple weeks I threw out way too much. I have realized that I can make neat things out of just the littlest amount of edges. If its a least a inch wide I save it now.

  3. They are so pretty. I've only used pieces that narrow on my spider web blocks where seam allowance accuracy doesn't matter. You are doing a great job.

  4. That will be a gorgeous quilt, Dorian!


  5. That is sew cute! I am in the middle of organizing my stash. I have a box of small pieces to press, and didn't know just how small was too small to keep. Guess I can now start thinking "outside the box".

  6. It's really going to be lovely! Can't wait to see it finished.

  7. Just goes to show nothing goes to waste with a quilter! Your blocks are lovely

  8. Nice scrap collection - and turning them into log cabins is really a good idea. Hope you have an easier time than I did deciding which way to put them together in the end.

  9. Such a great use for scraps, looks lovely!

  10. Love the way you use your scraps.These blocks are very nice!

  11. I love your little log cabin boxes. Great way to use up tiny strips.



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