
Monday, June 27, 2011

Bits and pieces

 It's the bits and pieces that make up the quilt. I am working on a new pattern.  Want to see the bits and pieces?

They all need a good session with the iron....of course. LOL

And I wish now that I would of gone with a solid or TonT instead of the light blue/flowers. It's a bit busy for my taste.

 BUT, all the pieces are coming out just like I wanted them too :) I had my birthday yellow fabrics (the Kaufman and Fig tree ones) in mind, when I made this. I just don't have enough of those to make it with. So, I will buy more, and make it in those pretty, soft yellows and pinks also.

See this?? Isn't it darling!? It is only a few inches tall, from bottom of cabinet to top of machine. And not much wider.

It was a birthday gift from my 16yr son :) I just love it! He has been having fun messing with some casting of various metals. And he loves to work with wood.

Hope you enjoyed the bits and pieces, I'll show more when it's finished.

What are you working on?

Thanks for stopping by Dorian


  1. what a talented son! What quilter or seamstress wouldn't like that little sewing machine!!!
    The blocks are looking good!

  2. Dorian, I have to agree with you...a solid or lighter print might have worked better in place of the pale blue flowered fabric. But I'm eager to see the finished product!

    J has outdone himself with that fantastic sewing machine! Tell him congratulations!


  3. The blue floral might not be what you had in mind, but it looks fine, very springy and happy. Your son is very talented and how nice that a son knows what will make his mom happy!


  4. Jed is as creative and talented as his Mom ... and just as nice ... :) Pat

  5. What an adorable gift! You are such a lucky momma.

  6. That is such a wonderful gift! So much talent - so cute!!!

  7. What a thoughtful gift! I'm doing a little embroidery these days...hoping to start a top this weekend. blessings, marlene

  8. Dorian that is one beautiful very thoughtful gift. Well done Jed on putting so much thought and love into your Mommas present. I like the way the new blocks are coming together, I'll reserve judgement about the fabric choices til I see the finished article :)


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