
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Another this and that post...

 Hi ya'all, hope you are having a good Summer and enjoying the sunshine.

If you are looking forward to our mystery quilt on the Q&N, we have had to change it. So remark your calendars for July 30-31st.

I am a fairly new follower of They are having another awesome giveaway right now, click here to check it out. I've noticed that Shawna and gang have a LOT of great giveaways, contests, great prices on their store, and plenty of fun. Hop on over and check them out.

Judi, at greenfairyquilts is also having a fantastic giveaway and sale prices on fat quarters. She does awesome quilting and darling patterns. Go check her out too.

As for me...I have been busy this week. I've done a post on an Octagonal table mat, over at the Q&N blog. I have finished the table mat and will have part 2 of this post up in a day or two. Here is the finished mat.

We've also celebrated a birthday this week, my lovely dd just turned 13....Sigh~ time is going by too quickly.

And, I've gotten two baby quilt patterns completed (typed up) and sent off to my testers....So exciting!! And scary...LOL.

So a busy week, enjoying all the sunshine too. Hope yours has been a good one.

OH, one more thing. I have posted two polls on the lefthand side of my screen. I would love for you to answer them. Follower or not :) Thanks!

Doing some linky goodness with Karen and H&M, buttons on the right....Thanks Ladies!

Thanks for stopping by, Dorian


  1. Dorian ... your Octagonal Table Topper quilted up very nicely. WTG! Happy Birthday to the new teenager! Those little kiddos do grow much to fast. Thanks for the links. Looking forward to the new mystery from the Q&N ... and seeing your baby quilt patterns ... :) Pat

  2. Dorian, the finished table topper came out LOVELY! Kudos to you!

    Good for you for being so busy! Sorry the mystery quilt has to be delayed.

    Happy Birthday again to R. I hope she thoroughly enjoyed her b-day!

    Carol (NJ);-)

  3. Great table topper. Found your site at the Sew Crafty party. I'll be back looks like a great site.

  4. Your table topper is beautiful.

  5. Nice table topper. And thanks for the info about differnt blogs, shops and giveaways.


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