
Sunday, February 6, 2011

For Carol

My good friend Carol commented on wanting to see more Summery/Spring like photos. She is one of the many with snow and ice outside her windows.

So here is our apricot tree.

The warm, Spring like days have made the fruit and nut trees start their blooming.

 In the valley, we have orchards of almonds and plums that are just fantastic this time of year. Imagine acres and acres of blooming trees. Just beautiful!

And here's some Manzanita blooms.

Have a lovely Sunday.

Thanks for stopping by, Dorian


  1. Thank you so much, Dorian! We're getting up to the low 40's today! Maybe, just maybe some of this snow will evaporate! Especially since we're expecting a wintry mix tomorrow night. BLEH.

  2. So pretty and delicate looking, Dorian. :) We have so much snow it is going to be weeks before we have flowers bloom in our yard. We never had our "January thaw" and February is typically our snowiest month. We had rain on top of the snow and ice yesterday ... not a good combination ... especially for the roof ... ah, well ... this too shall pass ... ;) Pat

  3. So pretty! A sure sign of spring!


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