
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Eve

Hello Everyone,

Happy New Year! I can't believe today is the last day of 2013. Like so many others, I feel this year has just gone by waaaay too quickly!

I was able to get my Christmas quilting finished in time :) But I was in a rush to get them mailed, so did not take finished pictures of them. Sigh~ I have asked the recipient to get pictures of them too me, so hopefully I can show them to you soon.

The one Christmas gift I made that I DO have pictures for, you will have to wait till Jan 9th to see it. It is my project for the Kona blog hop, and my day is the 9th. So I hope you all come back and see what I made. You can find the full schedule here.

As for the New Year, I don't do resolutions, but I do like to make goals. At the beginning of 2013, I told you my goal for the year was to get some of these quilted.

This is just a small portion of the quilt tops that I need to quilt. Well, I did not quilt ONE of these tops!! Instead I made new projects and learned how to free motion quilt.

So, my goal again for this year, is to start getting this pile of tops, turned into quilts. We'll see if I can manage to do a few at least :)

What about you? Do you make resolutions? or goals, or both?

Have a Happy New Year, I hope it's full of good things for you. And thank  you readers, for sticking around. I hope to have more quilting and designing going on this year. I also hope to start putting a pattern or two out there for sell. We shall see what the year brings!

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

Wishing you and yours, a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

May your day be filled with Family, friends, food... and some fabric :)

Thanks so much for reading my little blog and keeping me company.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas quilting

Hello Everyone,

Are you ready? Just a week to go. My 9yr old is bouncing off the walls. We have some decorations up. We have our tree picked out (we'll be cutting it down off our own place), but wont cut it and put it up till this weekend. I have a feeling my toddler will be a big nuisance with it. He loves the lights and pretty colored balls.

I have got some of my Christmas sewing done. Here's just a small snippet of a picture.

Here's something else I've been working on. I wont be able to show you the finished product till January though. It's my project for the Kona solids hop.

The picture isn't true to the colors. They are rich, vibrant purples and bright, almost neon orange and lime green.

Boxes are coming in by mail and we have shopping to do on Friday. Getting down to the wire.

Hope you are all enjoying the Christmas season.

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

December catchup

Good morning Everyone!

Didn't mean to be silent for so long. The days are just flying by so quickly. Yet it seems that I get nothing accomplished. Some Christmas decorating has been done. And I really want to start making some special holiday cookies, just haven't done so yet.

Although I have been practicing my fmqing, on some Christmas gifts.

I have a long way to go before I am any good. But I'm having fun...

And thats what is important right? Just keep practicing...

I got my first set of X and + blocks from Pat :)

And we got our first snowfall of the Winter. Isaiah had a great time walking around looking at things that are half buried.

He liked to sit in it for awhile too. And then he had a snowball fight with 2 of his siblings :) And yes, he does have mittens ;)

I hope to come back soon and so you some more stuff I'm working on.

Have a great day!

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