
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Quilting as you go...and practicing

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all in the States are enjoying some cool Fall weather. I know I am :) And there is fresh snow on the mtn top! That always makes me happy.

I have four of these blocks. They are 15" square. A little design I made up for a quilt design contest a few years ago. As they've just been sitting and doing nothing, I thought I would do a quilt as I go method. While I practiced my FMQing.

 I was having a little trouble at first.... till I realized I hadn't put my stitch length to zero. lol Here's some pebbling, I got confused which way to go occasionally.

 I just did some simple lines in these blocks... but it's hard to keep the line curved right.

 My regular readers know how much I love flowers. They are getting a little easier.

I'm still having fun! It sure is going to take a lot of practice! I best see what other ufo's I have laying around, small ones, that I can practice on. I know there is a lot of them somewhere. LOL

Linking up with:

Quilt story
I have to say
Free motion by the river

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

A slow week in the sewing room

Hello Everyone,

It's been a gorgeous week weather wise here. Mostly in the 70s or low 80s during the day, and a bit chilly at night. We get a nice wind most nights, and I've had to shut the window a few nights in a row, as it was just a bit too chilly. That means Fall is almost upon us, yah! I love the crisp, cool Fall days and chilly nights. I'm totally ready for some heavier foods too...soups and stews, beans and roasts.... mmmm!

But about that sewing room...

My little guy has lots of ouchy gums where teeth are trying to come in. Which means sleepless nights and clingy days. I'm not complaining, just explaining ;) He's also deciding that he only needs ONE nap a day... come on Mom, why do I need two?? LOL. Geesh.

I realized that I didn't show you the finished red/black/white mystery top I was working on a few weeks ago. Here it is. The Someday Pattern by Jessica JE Smith.

Sooo, I am still working on the mystery quilt from last weekend. I had some problems with a few of the blocks. Totally MY error, not the patterns. If you are interested in seeing what the quilt top looks like, you can go to Jess's face book page here. But if you don't want to see what it looks like yet...then don't go look ;) lol

Have a great night ya'all.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

workS in progress wednesday

Hello, hello everyone,

Hope you are all enjoying the winding down?? of Summer. At least it's cooling off a bit here. I am ready for crisp Fall days and chilly nights.

I got the book (Beginners guide to FMQing) I ordered and had such a great time doing some practicing. I was having tensions issues that I thought was operator error, I thought I just needed to get my sewing machine speed and hand movement speed better coordinated. Well, I am happy to say, I was wrong! After reading my new book, I realized I might have to loosen my top tension some more. And low and behold, it worked!!

This first picture, you can see the black thread from the front coming thru and looping. See it on the left hand side?  But once I set the top tension looser, look here on the right. Much better!

 Here's another piece. You can't see any black stitching at all :D I am having so much fun!

Here's the front of the second piece. It's a LOT harder to stay on the lines then a person would think!!! lol. Yup, need lots more practice.


Another mystery quilt weekend is coming up this weekend!!  (The link is for ordering the pattern) Jess asked if I wanted to/have time to test. Of course I want too!!! I just hope I have the time too ;) lol

Here are the fabrics I am using.


I have a post up on the Q&N blog about keeping organized while sewing big projects. Especially useful if you do not have a design wall.

Thats what I'm up to, what about you?

Linking up with Lee.

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Happy Friday!

Hello Folks, Happy Friday to you,

My poor little blog, sorry I've been so absent, there isn't a whole lot of quilting going on here. Although I have been doing some things with my quilting supplies.

* I got my sewing machine moved , so I know have more room. I need to get my table rearranged so that it abuts up to my machine and I can have a larger space for actually quilting my tops on.

* I have started to go thru one of my boxes of scraps and put them into some sort of order. I really need to get some clear plastic bins to put them in, but for now, they are color co-ordinated into plastic baggies. I am hoping to get around to doing the BIG bin of scraps sometime too. I've been inspired to get my scraps in order and make some more scrappy quilts.

*I've ordered some more supplies. I needed a new 6x24" ruler, so thats on the way. Along with some more thread, needles, pins and this book, finally!! I've been wanting this book for ages, and have just never ordered it. lol I can't wait for it to get here. Connecting threads is still having a nice sale! So head over and stock up  :)

* And here's some progress on my Someday quilt. I have rows 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 14-16 sewn together. So I am almost done~ well, this picture isn't quite right if you look at the number tags. lol, but you get the idea :)

* I'm also working on an Organizing post for the Q&N blog, I hope that will be up sometime next week. But I need to finish this quilt first :)

Have a great weekend, I hope it includes some sewing time!

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