
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.
I hope your time is filled with family and loved ones.
Thank you for continuing to read my little blog. I hope to get back into quilting and blogging more in the New Year.

I still have one more boxy pouch to make for a child. Hope to get that done, so I can fill it with some goodies.

We still have Christmas shopping to do!

And baking!!

On another note, if you have next weekend free and want to do some quilting, you can't go wrong with one of Jess's mystery quilts.

It's the forum's 5th birthday, and Jess has a got another great quilt for us to do up.
You can buy the pattern here.
And join the fun with us all here.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012


Is coming waaaaaay too quickly! It's sneaking up on me this year. I haven't got anything done, except my 4patch quilt. And too little bloggin, I know, sorry I've been so quiet.

I had, in my mind, a blog post about this quilt all 'typed' up. But as I was in a hurry to get the quilt off to my best friend Carol, I forgot to take pictures to accompany that post! LOL

Here is a picture of one of the tiny holes in the back of the quilt. It's very tiny.

But there are 7 of these holes! Grrrr..

Here is what I did to fix them.

I was going to take my good friend, Pat's, advice of just putting  anew back on, without taking all the stitching out. Just restitching over it. But after talking to Carol, and telling her about the holes, she said she wanted the quilt anyways. So I wanted to get it done and in the mail, as she lives clear across the states from me.

Soooo, I will ask her to take pictures for me, then I can show you the finished quilt. I used white binding. It turned out good I think.

We have snow on the ground and more possible this coming week. I hope it sticks around for Christmas. If it warms up, we'll get rain instead and wash all the snow away.

I hope to get some quality time in with my sewing machine this week.

Have a great day.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bits and pieces

  Hello Everyone,

Sorry I've been so quiet. My little one is teething, those stubborn teeth still haven't popped thru the gums! And now he has a cold, and all he wants is Mommy to hold him. So when he's napping, I'm doing household things.

So I haven't gotten much sewing done, and as this is a sewing blog, I just haven't had much to report ;)

I have done a little bit of quilting on my 4 patch quilt.

I am pretty annoyed though. I had started to quilt this before I had my Singer and could use my walking foot. And even though I checked the back occasionally, I somehow missed these little holes in the backing that my regular foot was making at the end of a quilting line. Where I would turn the quilt to go in a different direction. I forgot to take a picture of these holes to show you.

So after I was merrily sewing along with my walking foot, I happen to notice these holes. I don't know what to do now. This was going to be a Christmas gift. Sigh~

I also got some fabrics cut out to make a small pouch. I need to make my first son a shaving kit bag, and am figuring out how I want to form it.

Which is going to be a Christmas present to him, if I ever get it made! I have a few other things on my to make list for Christmas, so I hope to get some sewing time in soon.

We had quite the storm last week. The winds topped out at 55 mph! We got a small hole in the corner of our van windshield due to a branch going thru it. Sigh~ And we got tons of rain. We have one more little rain system right now, and then we'll have some sun come Thursday.

Take care all.
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