
Sunday, July 29, 2012

More 4 patches

Hello Everyone,

I got my little lap quilt all pieced and decided I wanted it bigger. It's the perfect size right now for a baby quilt. Done up in baby fabrics, it would be adorable.

But I want it bigger. So am going to put a solid white border first, then add more 4 patches. These are the fabrics I dug out of my stash. They go pretty well with the shades of same color in the top.

This weekend I am distracted by the Mystery quilt going on over on the forum. Here are the fabrics I choose to make mine with. It's going quite fast too. Can't wait to see what the top looks like when done!

I'm sorry, I wont be showing you the finished mystery top though. That would ruin it for anyone who wants to do it :)

 Have a great day!

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Trimming..... and a Mystery.

Hello Everyone,

Ugh, I am finally finished with the trimming. Of small blocks that is.

I hate this part of the quilting process. But I know that it's a necessary evil. lol.

Now all my 4 squares and HST's are ready to be sewn together into a lovely little lap quilt.

This weekend, July 28-29th, is another great Mystery quilt weekend over at the Q&N. You all know how I love Jess's mystery patterns. She always does an amazing job.

Her kits are on sale now. You can find them here. And you can buy just the pattern here. As always, you can also purchase all four mystery patterns (she does four a year) for a reduced price, here.

I know what I'll be doing next weekend :)

Have a great day!

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Easy 4 patches

Hello everyone, I hope you all are staying cool. It's a scorcher out there!

I got this lovely charm pack of Flora by Lauren and Jessi Jung, for my birthday. I'm pairing it up with some white tone on tone. ( I had a lovely picture of my charm pack with the whites... and what did I do? I deleted it from my camera... before I could use it. LOL. So this pic will have to do.)

I'm making some easy 4 patches with some of them. Here's how.

 Using a print and a white, match right sides together. And mark a line at the halfway point of the square.

Sew a 1/4" line on both sides of line.

Cut apart on drawn line and press open.

 Right sides together again, making sure your white of one patch is lined up with the print of the other patch. (I'm switching to a darker color, so it's easier to see.)

Mark a line at the halfway point. And sew 1/4" on both sides of it.

Cut apart on the drawn line and press open.

Ta-da! Two easy four patches, with a perfect matched seam ;)

I'm also doing HST's. Which are easy too. I mark my lines for both the 4 patch and the HST's, then take both stacks to the machine and chain piece. It's goes pretty quickly.

I'll show you what I'm doing with these at a later date ;)

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth, and a finish...

Happy Fourth of July to my American readers! I hope you have a fantastic day and enjoy some fireworks.

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Now that my little guy is 3 months old, it's getting a little easier to get some sewing time in. He's happy hanging out with  a brother or sister for a bit. And he's finding it easier to nap in his crib, instead of on Me :)

Here is my Butterfly quilt.

I backed it with some soft fleece and had fun with the sewing. I didn't mark any lines, so they are a bit wavy and uneven... but that just adds some whimsy to the quilt, yes?? LOL

Can you see my big mistake??

I put that one piece on backwards, and didn't even realize it. It says I 'heart' Mommy, I 'heart' Daddy...but you need a mirror to read it ;)

Here are a close up of the quilting... I'm getting better.

If you missed it, my free tutorial for this quilt is listed on the left hand side of my blog, along with others I've done for the Sew We Quilt blog.

 I hope you are all enjoying some Summer sewing. And keeping cool, those of you in the hot States right now.

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