
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Machine cover

 It's linky Tuesday, with the girls at Quilt Story, thank you girls :)

My sewing machine was made in the late 1800's. It's one of the very first things my husband bought me, 18 yrs ago! And I love it. It sews beautifully (as long as I keep it oiled an cleaned ). So I decided it was time that I made a cover for it. To help keep the dust off, even though I use it almost every day, when you live in the mountains and have kids and get dust! lol

Made with my lovely Sunkissed I've been hording. With a touch of blue for some POP.

It still needs some ties on the ends, to help keep it together and on.

Yes, the binding needs to be sewn down too....

 I love prairie points. And since this is just going to be sitting around, I decided to keep the cute little pinky shear cut on the jelly roll edge that I used.

My machine quilting is improving I think. I am pretty happy with how it came out on this project.

Have a great day!

 Thanks for stopping by, Dorian

Sunday, May 29, 2011

weekend quilting

 Saturday was a dreary, rainy/cloudy day, quite chilly too.  This Iris had broken off, so Daughter brought it in the house. I thought it looked interesting against the water on the window.

 So I decided to work on this beauty for a bit.

Sigh, it isn't my picture taking day....the close ups I took of the quilting turned out, another time I'll show you that progress.

 This is the first Round Robin I've done. It was done in 1999, or 2000 maybe. And I am still hand quilting it. The poor thing was set aside for a loooong while. Then when we moved up here, I thought "now I'll get that butterfly quilt quilted". I figured, cold winters= days sitting by the fire quilting, right??

WRONG! I have pulled it out occasionally, but can only sew one needles worth of thread before my hand gets too  numb.

At least I have a hand project when I want one :)

Today dawned bright and sunny, but some clouds have come back...hope they go back away for a bit. So I've been doing more work on my butterfly wings.....hmm, I see a 'pattern' here.

Three more 'butterflies' to add to the collectiong. Guess I'll keep playing in the fabric basket, till I have a larger quilt.

LOL, butterflies! They are so beautiful. I'm using a butterfly fabric in the "It's too pretty to cut" challenge I am doing on the Q&N also.

 I was telling you my purple Iris's are blooming, but not my yellow ones....Here's what I found yesterday...


Interesting that the purple and yellow blended....

Have a happy, quilty day my friend Pat says :)

Thanks for stopping by, Dorian

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Butterfly wings...a beginning

 Good morning blog land! Hope your day is as beautiful as mine is starting. The sky is clear and the sun is just coming up...LOVELY!

I am hooking up with QuiltStory today, happy birthday Megan!

I am working on a new scrappy quilt. Called butterfly wings. All it takes is two different blocks and a strip.

I talked about square n square blocks on the Q&N today.

Put 4 squares together, make two patches like this.

Turn one, add a strip....and TA-DA...butterflies!

 I'll be making more of these and putting them all together in a quilt...So stay tuned. And have a great day!

Thanks for stopping by, Dorian

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A bit of this and that.

 Hello to all, especially my new followers, so nice to have you here!

I also want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments on Stash Manicure and here, they mean so much! And helps me keep the juices flowing for more scrap quilts!

I am working on one now I'm calling Butterfly Wings. Just some squares and triangles, from the scrap basket,  put together just right to resemble a butterfly. I hope to show you some work on it in the next few days. I've just got it down in drawings, so now will apply it to fabric.

My budding Iris's....

Are finally starting to bloom....

But only my purple ones, I haven't seen buds on my yellow ones yet.

The roses are trimmed and weeding, and have buds on them. I can't wait for them to bloom!

Have a lovely Sunday. Be back soon.

Thanks for stopping by, Dorian

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Guest blogging

 I told you I would 'reveal all' on my DP16 patches today. Here is one of my tops.

 You can read all about it, and a few other DP projects on.....

YES, I am guest blogging at the Stash today!!! WOOHOOO :)

Thanks for stopping by, Dorian

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Quilt as you go....quilt

 I have a new tutorial up at the Q&N. It's on making a larger than table runner, quilt as you go project.

I made just a small top. Just to do the tutorial. Nice and Springlike though, yes?

 Linking up with H&M today. Thanks so much Heather and Megan, I love this link party!

For those of you looking forward to seeing what I did with these....

Come back on Thursday, and I will reveal all! LOL

Another sneakpeek at it....

Thanks for stopping by, Dorian

Thursday, May 12, 2011


First, I want to say hello to my new followers! Thanks for being here.

Spring has arrived on our ridge. And it's SO beautiful out! My going-on 13 yr old daughter took my camera out on a walkabout the other day.

She loves using the macro lens.....

Pretty little bell flowers...

 These are really tiny, in real life...

love the orange middles!


The Redbud are in full bloom now.

 Rachael has a great eye, doesn't she? She is often taking my camera and taking pictures. Whether it be flowers, trees or something a lego-man stop motion animation video. I think it's time she had her own camera....

Thanks for stopping by, Dorian

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Signature quilt

Hello blog land, I am back! Been offline for almost a week. It's good to be back. I was having computer problems, all solved now though. I got lots of housework done, amazing what you do when you have no computer pulling you in, yes?! LOL

Linking up with H&M at Quiltstory today.
Linking up with Karen too.

I decided I needed another purse. One in lovely Spring colors. Something pretty and cheerful. So I made up my FQ purse in my favorite flowers, roses.

Where the rose fabric is, isn't just's a nice, big pocket! On both sides of the purse. It's perfect for papers, lists, mail, whatever... I love this feature! The bag also has 2 more large pockets, a zip pouch and 2 small pockets.

 On the Q&N forum last year, we all made little signature blocks and traded them. This is how I set mine. I do not know if this block has a name or not. I just put it together as I went.

Here is how I set them together.

A nice little top. It's  square, about 65" x 65".

A perfect snuggle quilt....once it's quilted. 

 I hope you all had a wonderful Mothers Day!

Have a great day and..

 Thanks for stopping by, Dorian